其中一個朋友Joe(黃毓喬),粗曠外表神似伍佰老師,打起籃球像紐約街頭黑人,特會耍,做起平面設計,像織花布的台灣阿嬤那般細膩。很喜歡他的風格,所以之前剪完【I Love Edinburgh】時便找他合作,本來是想設計海報,但短片本身也不算完整的作品,便打消了念頭,不過Joe最後還是把這短片當作素材,創作了一個很特別、可折疊的小傳單,還放了一篇他和我之間,關於短片的訪問對談。內容不多,印出來之後,我看了覺得有趣,便在下面分享。
事實上,這場訪問是在我們打撞球同時進行的,他給我張寫滿問題的紙,我回家把回答填上,非常台式的一次訪談阿!這位富有才華和喜感的Graphic Designer個人網站為www.elvishuang.com,有興趣可以去看看!
Yu-Hsueh Lin says who Yu-Hsueh Lin is
A postgraduate student at University of Edinburgh; adore rock, film and party; play no guitar, write columns, try to make his first short film, precisely, a documentary; after that will write a book about party.
Yu-Chiao Huang says who Yu-Hsueh Lin is
A friend from the same country, Taiwan; play basketball together; older than me; a good writer and has good common sense; beats me many times at pool; humorous on his blog, and serious in the life; maybe? I am not so sure.
This is the interview about his film, 'I love Edinburgh'
I like the way you tell the story from this film. It seems distant from the theme, but still touches it. It awakens my imagination. Was this the concept from the beginning or did you change it halfway?
The Original idea was a love story, but it is difficult to present it in two minutes. I decided to use a simple concept of 'Love Me, Love My Dog.' I like Edinburgh because the girl I love loves Edinburgh! The other side is I don't want to say this too directly and I want to give my audience room to use their imaginations.
Do you have any special memories in these scenes or is there some special meaning with the cat or with walking?
Actually, there are not any special scenes. All of them are the roads and spaces in our daily life that we walk. The cat is a hint alluding to the fact that the girl thinks she is a cat, and also that we found a cat in the road.
Why do you want to present this film about love?
The image and the feeling that Edinburgh gives me is like a girl! Pretty and tasty, but changing like the weather. A city is just like a girl, they have their own individual personalities, and the simplest way to connect these two is to fall in love with them.
Are there any elements of Taiwan in it?
Maybe not. You can say everything in Edinburgh in the local people's view is normal, but it is very special for me. The film is from a Taiwanese view.
Will you use the same technique in the future? I quite like this way to present the story! If you don't know the theme at first, you are surprised at the end. It is cool!
Thanks. It depends on the theme. In this case, my film is the introduction of Edinburgh, so I wanted to use the abstract technique, like a music video. I don't like to tell stories directly, and it is good if the audience is made to think more.
Please use one to three words to describe Edinburgh.
One, two, three or one to three? No, just kidding.
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