Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
二○○二年,孤星出版社(Lonely Planet)出版了專門介紹台灣的英語版旅遊書。作者用功不深,對台北市的新發展似乎沒什麼概念,但是整體印象他是有的。台北,他寫著,是亞洲最難接近的城市之一。意思是說,台北顯得閉塞,與國際不太接軌,英語能力也差,以至於,國際的旅遊者很難在這個城市裡悠遊自在。
如果說,「現代化」指的是,在傳統的文化土壤上引進新的耕法──民主制度、科學精神、工業技術等等,從而發展出一種新的共處哲學與生活模式。如果說,「全球化」指的是,隨著科技與經濟的跨越國界,深層的文化體系,始料所未及地,也衝破了國家與民族的傳統界線。原來沿著那條線而形成的千年傳統── 種種律法、信仰、道德、價值,面對「全球化」,不得不重新尋找定義。「現代化」是很多開發中國家追求的目標;「全球化」是一個正在急速發生的現實,在這個現實中,已開發國家盤算如何利用自己的優勢,開發中國家在趁勢而起的同時暗暗憂慮「自己不見了」的危險。
傳統的「氣質氛圍」,並不是一種膚淺的懷舊情懷。當人的成就像氫氣球一樣向不可知的無限的高空飛展,傳統就是綁著氫氣球的那根粗繩,緊連著土地。它使你仍舊樸實地面對生老病死,它使你仍舊與春花秋月冬雪共同呼吸,使你的腳仍舊踩得到泥土,你的手摸得到樹幹,你的眼睛可以為一首古詩流淚,你的心靈可以和兩千年前的作者對話。傳統不是懷舊的情緒,傳統是生存的必要。 我發現,自己原來對「現代化」的預期是片面的。先進國家的「現代化」是手段,保護傳統是目的。譬如在環境生態上所做的鉅額投資與研發,其實不過是想重新得回最傳統最單純的「小橋流水人家」罷了。大資本、高科技、研究與發展,最終的目的不是飄向無限,而是回到根本──回到自己的語言、文化,自己的歷史、信仰,自己的泥土。
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
【I love Edinburgh】訪談,以及設計小傳單

其中一個朋友Joe(黃毓喬),粗曠外表神似伍佰老師,打起籃球像紐約街頭黑人,特會耍,做起平面設計,像織花布的台灣阿嬤那般細膩。很喜歡他的風格,所以之前剪完【I Love Edinburgh】時便找他合作,本來是想設計海報,但短片本身也不算完整的作品,便打消了念頭,不過Joe最後還是把這短片當作素材,創作了一個很特別、可折疊的小傳單,還放了一篇他和我之間,關於短片的訪問對談。內容不多,印出來之後,我看了覺得有趣,便在下面分享。
事實上,這場訪問是在我們打撞球同時進行的,他給我張寫滿問題的紙,我回家把回答填上,非常台式的一次訪談阿!這位富有才華和喜感的Graphic Designer個人網站為www.elvishuang.com,有興趣可以去看看!
Yu-Hsueh Lin says who Yu-Hsueh Lin is
A postgraduate student at University of Edinburgh; adore rock, film and party; play no guitar, write columns, try to make his first short film, precisely, a documentary; after that will write a book about party.
Yu-Chiao Huang says who Yu-Hsueh Lin is
A friend from the same country, Taiwan; play basketball together; older than me; a good writer and has good common sense; beats me many times at pool; humorous on his blog, and serious in the life; maybe? I am not so sure.
This is the interview about his film, 'I love Edinburgh'
I like the way you tell the story from this film. It seems distant from the theme, but still touches it. It awakens my imagination. Was this the concept from the beginning or did you change it halfway?
The Original idea was a love story, but it is difficult to present it in two minutes. I decided to use a simple concept of 'Love Me, Love My Dog.' I like Edinburgh because the girl I love loves Edinburgh! The other side is I don't want to say this too directly and I want to give my audience room to use their imaginations.
Do you have any special memories in these scenes or is there some special meaning with the cat or with walking?
Actually, there are not any special scenes. All of them are the roads and spaces in our daily life that we walk. The cat is a hint alluding to the fact that the girl thinks she is a cat, and also that we found a cat in the road.
Why do you want to present this film about love?
The image and the feeling that Edinburgh gives me is like a girl! Pretty and tasty, but changing like the weather. A city is just like a girl, they have their own individual personalities, and the simplest way to connect these two is to fall in love with them.
Are there any elements of Taiwan in it?
Maybe not. You can say everything in Edinburgh in the local people's view is normal, but it is very special for me. The film is from a Taiwanese view.
Will you use the same technique in the future? I quite like this way to present the story! If you don't know the theme at first, you are surprised at the end. It is cool!
Thanks. It depends on the theme. In this case, my film is the introduction of Edinburgh, so I wanted to use the abstract technique, like a music video. I don't like to tell stories directly, and it is good if the audience is made to think more.
Please use one to three words to describe Edinburgh.
One, two, three or one to three? No, just kidding.
Monday, November 29, 2010

於是回到我自己身上,部落格裡由文字拼貼成的我,可能不完全是平常和朋友打屁聊天的那個我;也可能不是父母長輩眼中安靜不語的我;因為很多想講的話,並非有適當的時機、適當的場合、適當的對象可以訴說,可能有人可以不管以上的條件,毫無保留的釋放自己,呈現相同的模樣,但我不行,我需要找到一些介質,用相對晦澀的方式,表達自己想講的東西,幸好這種行為被賦予一個好聽的名字,叫創作。所以透過文字認識我,可能會比對談更能了解我,也或許相反,取決於你想要認識哪種層面的我。如同正在上的一堂課Constructing Reality(建構真實),把Reality解析為兩個層面:Fact(事實)和Truth(真理)。
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
When winter and darkness arrive in the city, I shall be holed up at home like a bear. When hunger and loneliness slip into the cover, I refuse the latter. Thus I swallow my dreams in order to turn on the darkness, and turn off the hunger. Oh my dear, I am no longer a loner, but a hungry bear in cold dark winter.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Short Film I Love You Mum Reflection
My first short documentary film, I Love You Mum, was made in October of 2010 as a purpose of practice. Through this merely three-minute piece, a few aspects of thoughts were explored, in terms of technology, intimacy, communication and relationship. The film depicts a process of my personal expression of love to my mother.
Motivation and Concept
The ideas of making I Love You Mum all started from my research interest, Hyperpersonal Interaction, which is a theory suggesting the various effect of communication between on-line and face to face bases. According to that, the way people connect with each other and express themselves face to face differs from how they do that online. Therefore, to explore the difference between them and self-identity in communication becomes my initial motivation. Furthermore, I have been always intrigued by the representation of reality documentary film could provide. It seems that the most practical way to examine my curiosity of this theme is to film it down, or say, to document it.
Not until several discussions with Dr. Nick Higgins I could not realise what my actual motif is. It turned out to be that what I really try to convey is the intimacy within relationship, either through technological tools or directly expressed in person. I started to look back to my own situation. It appears that I do have difficulties in terms of expressing affection to my family, because of distance, time difference and lack of courage. On the other hand, technology, which provides a relatively indirect benefit of the safety feeling, enables me to speak my mind to my family. Also, by utilising technology to express could achieve almost the same effect with talking face to face. Therefore the structure of I Love You Mum emerges: from eager to communicate, but due to aforementioned factors then unable to communicate, and at last with the aid of technology I manage to speak out my feeling.
The structure wraps a concept in the film, which is the concept to show the process of my overcoming inner weakness of unable to say “I love you” to my own mother. I found that it is also the weakness of many others’. In other words, the concept of film could perhaps offer audiences to have collective understanding, and even the similar emotion as I have.
Apart from that, I Love You Mum is also an experiment and an excise to try out my own filming style by directly documenting first hand experiences. That is to say the purpose of making this documentary film is not only to reflect my desire of self expression, but also to review the essence of intimate relationships I have, and to approach them both emotionally and experimentally.
Initially, I tended to capture the interaction among my acquaintance circle, which provides me a rather accessible filming subject. However, several unsuccessful attempts made me reconsider the meaning of my original need of documenting. It mainly stemmed from both film competition theme requirement (How technology changes my life) and my own exploration of intimacy in communication. As a result, I become the subject of my own film.
More than that, I also agree on that it is beneficial to start the first film by employing myself in facing both the subjective and the objective positions, in terms of being in front of and behind the camera. That helps me experience the thoughts a filmmaker needs to think over, as well as comprehend more about how it is like to be filmed. Such practices are likely to equip me to have further understanding of documentary film making.
Style and Narrative
Not until actually filming, not many concrete ideas in terms of style appeared in my mind. I did not choose to represent the film as a stylish piece but rather focusing on narrative. However, it is not that I tend to ignore aesthetic part, but I would rather say that the most crucial issue for me in the very first film is to tell a story appropriately. Even though it is documentary film, which is relatively objective compared with feature one. I still would like to convey a few things through the film.
Except for narration, the camera angles or visual representation might also speak out my thoughts. The opening scene of I Love You Mum is a construction sign lying on ground, and a blue lorry passing by to block sight of the sign and then backing out of the camera, at last the construction sign shows again. Personally I like this scene a lot, consequently I insisted on making it to final cut. It is nearly a metaphor of the whole film. The sign represents therefore an obstacle of mine but meanwhile it has been disregarded for a long time. After something or some time passed by, even though it still exists but I could see it more clearly. How to face the obstacle hence suggests the key point of the film.
More than that, I have been influenced by ‘non-places and spaces' theory by Marc Augé. It indicates a familiar paradox: a known place that is still a strange place. Like airport, highway, or a construction sign lying aside street, we don’t even need to be there we still could recognise what that place is. Therefore, the place could be anywhere and everywhere in the world, but it is actually nowhere. This viewpoint has long been the base of my photographic style, and it turns out to be most of the background scenes in I Love You Mum.
I attempt to capture the most ordinary daily life that seems no real difference whether in the UK or in Taiwan. Furthermore, to display these ‘non-places’ is a means to extract the individual ‘myself’ from cultural or whatever else difference to unify with the understanding and circumstances of audiences’. That is to say I sort of simplify the background scenes in order to create a clean and simple visual style to drag audiences’ attention on emotional aspect.
The way I choose to place myself on bottom of the staircase in the film also follows this principle. But moreover, staircase is not only a non-place but also carries an implication in terms of leading people to somewhere, no matter up or down. It might perhaps be a psychological reflection as well. When I describe how I live alone, subconsciously, I have made up my mind to head to a direction, which will lead me to face and go through my own weakness. Here, the weakness is I never dare to say “I love you” to my mother.
According to the narrative, the atmosphere of the film seems to be slightly melancholy. However it is not what I wish to pursuit. Instead, my visual or style reference were much more coming from novel than film. In most of Haruki Murakami’s novels, one lives alone and enjoys himself. It looks like lonely, but the loneliness stems from some abstract thing missing rather than the fact of living alone. Therefore, the arrangement of party and alone scenes taking turns could perhaps reveal my emotional contrast: I live alone but not feeling lonely; I hang out with people but still feeling alone. This contrast could happen to everyone else’s life as well.
For audience, maybe that is why they feel touched when they eventually see my mother’s response. Because the contrast that has been accumulated as a sympathetic understanding from the beginning to the end of the film. My attempt to overcoming inner weakness paid off as a relief for myself and audience. That is to say by watching it audience follows me from being as a role of observer to a relatively subjective one, say, an experience partaker.
At some point this indicates that I Love You Mum is a documentary film not only talking about how technology changes my life, but more about contrast and paradox in daily life. I live in a familiar place but it is still a strange place to me. I love my mother but I never let her know. I socialise with people but I still feel alone. Technology is a bridge to connect these contrasts and a trigger to complete the process of overcoming my inner weakness. Therefore, the film itself could be seen as a cinematic practice, as well as an emotional relief to me. It might not be as unique as what John Grierson claims documentary is like, ‘the creative use of actuality’. But through the process of making it, I used the different approach of expression to face my weakness, and the same affecting reality which is also an actual personal experience comes to me. I Love You Mum is not merely a documentary. Eventually, it comforts me, in a creative way.
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010
【我的第一部紀錄短片】I LOVE YOU, MUM.
Thursday, October 14, 2010

【本文刊載於9月份cue.電影生活誌】 Elephant House Cafe
好比這家總是客滿的咖啡館Elephant House,座落在城市的中心,除了地理位置絕佳,高朋滿座的原因在於,這是《哈利波特》的誕生地。
當時剛離婚的單親媽媽J.K.羅琳,為了節省家裡的暖氣費,來到了這家咖啡館,點了杯咖啡,哄睡了嬰兒車裡的女兒,便開始寫作,從早寫到晚,據信她的第一本小說《哈利波特-神秘的魔法石》大部分章節,都是在此完成的。當哈利波特系列電影出現後,全球書迷和影迷們造訪愛丁堡時,幾乎不會錯過在Elephant House喝杯咖啡的機會,坐在當初J.K.羅琳坐過的位子,看看自己是否也能得到魔法靈感的召喚。
因為老闆對非洲和印度大象的熱愛,在1995年開了Elephant House,店如其名,整間咖啡館內,擺滿了各種大象造型的裝飾品,牆壁也掛上數幅大象畫作,甚至連蘇格蘭脆餅(Shortbread)都是大象造型。店內的大片玻璃窗,讓人能直接看到愛丁堡城堡,因此也有人說,J.K.羅琳筆下的霍格華茲(Hogwarts)魔法學校,靈感極有可能源自於高聳的城堡。
除了各式咖啡和熱茶,也提供些許紅酒或啤酒等酒精飲品,其中最特別的,也最受歡迎的,是熱巧克力加各種烈酒,如Chocolate Devil裡頭有香料蘭姆酒和一種咖啡酒Tia Maria,口感濃醇。假如喝東西不過癮,也吃得到道地的蘇格蘭傳統菜餚,如肉餡羊肚(Haggis)加上碎蘿蔔和馬鈴薯泥(Neeps & Tatties)。
除了暑期被觀光客佔領的日子,大部份時間會看見許多客人坐在桌邊以筆電、用手書寫文章,有些是學生,有些可是真的作家。就連Elephant House的店員,幾乎每位都是文藝愛好者,有出版過幾本書的業餘小說家,也有辦過小型展覽的畫家,甚至還有短片導演和電影編劇。大家都是因為喜歡店裡的氛圍,或是J.K.羅琳的傳說而駐足此地。可能這家咖啡店本身,就有一種想讓人創作的魔力,大家一坐下來就開始寫寫畫畫,而拍完照的我,坐到窗邊的位子,喝了口咖啡,竟也不自覺的打開電腦,敲打了鍵盤起來。
象屋咖啡館Elephant House Café
21 George IV Bridge Edinburgh EH1 1EN
Thursday, October 07, 2010
5.繁-蘋果電腦的iPhone 4推出後,讓手機的可能趨向無限。
”finished the book! Voldimort is dead, the world is safe...”